Capacitor charging and discharging through a light bulb

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Back to 5C - Capacitance
PIRA index: 5C30.30


A large 50 V capacitor is charged and discharged using a light bulb as a resistor.


  • Charging/Discharging capacitor setup
  • Power supply


  • Make sure the switch is placed in the center position
  • Set the power supply to 50V
  • Connect the setup to the power supply
  • Put the switch in the 'charge' position and watch the bulb light up
  • (Optional) Disconnect the power supply (to show that in the discharge the light bulb is only powered by the capacitor)
  • Put the switch in the 'discharge' position and watch the bulb light up
  • Put the switch back in the center position and turn off the power supply.


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